An Adaptive Analog Continuous time Cmos Biquadratic Filter


This paper presents an analog filter based on Rauch biquadratic cell. The filter exploits an improved analog stage that makes linearity performance uniform over the entire pass-band frequency region. All feedback analog filters suffer from poor linearity when the input tones frequency is in close proximity to the closed-loop poles frequency, where loop-gain reduces. This often forces an overdesign with higher current (higher power consumption) and/or higher overdrive voltages (lower dynamic range) in order to meet the linearity specifications over the whole filter pass-band region. The hereby proposed Rauch scheme resolves such a binding issue without power increasing and having the same IIP3 at low and at high frequency (up to the filter closed-loop poles frequency). Hence the linearity performance is in first approximation independent on the input tones bandwidth. In order to validate the hereby proposed idea a 4th-order 25 MHz −3 dB bandwidth pseudo-differential filter has been designed and simulated in CMOS 28 nm technology. The prototype consumes 820 µW from 1 V supply voltage and has 15  and 13 dBm IIP3 at 5 and 6 and 20 and 21 MHz input tones, respectively.


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This activity is within the ScalTech28 Project funded by Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN).

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Correspondence to Marcello De Matteis.

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De Matteis, M. Continuous-time analog filter with passband constant IIP3 based on common-gate amplifier. Analog Integr Circ Sig Process 93, 99–106 (2017).

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  • Analog filters
  • Low-power
  • Linearity
  • CMOS
  • Low-voltage


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